YOUR CALLING is NOT to BUILD YOUR CHURCH! Jesus said, “I will build my church.”
YOUR CALLING IS TO MAKE DISCIPLES! Jesus commanded, “Go and make disciples.” Evangelism without discipleship is only half obedience!
There are serious problems in our churches today. Terrible immorality among members or leaders is no longer a shocking surprise. The divorce rate is higher in the church than the world. Contentions and church splits are routine!
Bigger churches are just bigger problems! Much of the world resists the church as ineffective, hypocritical, and a cheap copy of worldly entertainment.
Instead of marketing your church, why not return to your original calling. Rather than building your congregation, why not obey the GREAT COMMISSION and make disciples! Do you know how to make a disciple?
Well, we must focus on what our Lord commanded in the Great Commission.
Matthew 28:18-20 (NKJV)
18 And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.
19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.
Godliness or Christ-like character is the commands of Christ hammered into our souls until our motives, thoughts, and actions are consistently obedient to them. God does this through the Holy Spirit living in us, using God’s grace and His Word to change our minds and hearts.
Then, combining spiritual gifts with Christ-like character develops mighty servants of the Lord! Discover your grace gift, which is your God given strength to love your Christian brothers, and then, mature in character! Here are the seven spiritual grace gifts from Romans 12, combined with the character qualities built from Christ’s commands that are necessary to make each gifted person mighty in Spirit.
Exhorter/Visionary: The exhorter is committed to help others grow spiritually, looks beyond immediate problems to root causes, and develops precise steps of action to achieve success.
Benevolence instead of Selfishness: Giving without the motive of personal reward. Caring for the basic needs of others.
Creativity instead of Underachievement: Coming to solve problems, or approach needs, tasks, or ideas from a fresh and new perspective.
Discernment instead of Judgment: Being able to understand the deeper real reason why things happen.
Discretion instead of Simplemindedness: The ability to avoid attitudes, words or actions, which often result in undesirable results or consequences.
Enthusiasm instead of Apathy: Giving my best effort to every task I am given by my authorities with joy.
Faith instead of Presumption: Even when I cannot see how, I do the right thing believing it will bring the best outcome.
Wisdom instead of Natural Inclinations: Seeing and responding to life situations from God’s viewpoint instead of my current circumstances.
Prophet /Idealist/Perceiver: The prophet must have unimpeachable integrity, be open to correction, be willing to identify problems as they arise, and speak the truth boldly.
Boldness instead of Fearfulness: The confidence that what I say and do is true and right.
Forgiveness instead of Rejection: Erasing the record of those who wronged me and giving up any grudge toward them.
Obedience instead of Willfulness: Joyfully carrying out the wishes and will of my authorities.
Persuasiveness instead of Contentiousness: Guiding important truths and facts around another person’s mental roadblocks.
Sincerity instead of Hypocrisy: Being eager to do what is right with unselfishness motives.
Truthfulness instead of Deception: We earn future trust by accurately reporting past facts.
Virtue instead of Impurity: The moral excellence that consistently comes out of my life when I faithfully choose to do what is right.
Teacher: The teacher imparts wisdom, maturity, and skill to others, validates direction and ensures completeness.
Dependability instead of Inconsistency: Completing what I agreed to do, even when it demands inconvenience and sacrifice.
Diligence instead of Slothfulness: Investing all our energy to complete the tasks that are assigned to us.
Patience instead of Restlessness: Making sure I take the time to properly resolve a tough situation.
Reverence instead of Disrespect: Honoring those in authority above me because of the higher authorities that they represent.
Security instead of Anxiety: Establishing my life upon that which cannot be destroyed or lost.
Self-control instead of Self-indulgence: Resisting and rejecting wrong desires and doing what is right in every area of my life.
Thoroughness instead of Incompleteness: Unwillingness to neglect the factors that will diminish the effectiveness of my work.
Server/Minister/Servant: The servant sees and meets others’ practical needs, freeing them to accomplish their goals, and invests time and energy in their success.
Alertness instead of Carelessness: Awareness of what is happening around me at all times so that I can have a right response.
Availability instead of Self-centeredness: Canceling my schedule or priorities when the wishes of the ones I am serving calls for help.
Endurance instead of Giving up: The strength to withstand pressure and stress and still do my best.
Flexibility instead of Resistance: Not being enslaved to ideas or plans that my authorities might change.
Generosity instead of Stinginess: Managing my resources so I can give to any who have needs.
Hospitality instead of Loneliness: Joyfully sharing your friendship, time, and food, and shelter with those around you.
Joyfulness instead of Stinginess: Not allowing unpleasant conditions of the world around me to control my attitudes.
Administrator/Leader/Organizer: The leader visualizes final results and directs resources for the successful completion of goals
Decisiveness instead of Double mindedness: Being able to recognize key factors and then make final and hard decisions.
Determination instead of Faintheartedness: Committing to finish the goals that my authorities give me in the allotted time regardless of the problems.
Humility instead of Pride: Realizing that all my achievements would not have happened without the help and time of others in my life.
Initiative instead of Unresponsiveness: Being able to see what needs to be done before I am asked to do it.
Loyalty instead of Unfaithfulness: Using trying and tough times to prove my commitment to those I serve.
Orderliness instead of Disorganization: Arranging my immediate surroundings, and myself so that I can be the most effective.
Responsibility instead of Unreliability: Making sure I know and understand what is expected from me.
Mercy/Mediator: The mediator is deeply loyal, compassionate, and analyzes the benefits and problems of a given direction.
Attentiveness instead of Unconcern: Supporting the worth of a task or more important, a person, by giving them my complete attention.
Compassion instead of Indifference: Investing everything that is necessary to heal the hurts of others.
Deference instead of Rudeness: Putting limits on my freedoms so that I do not offend the tastes of those around me.
Gentleness instead of Harshness: Expressing personal care in meeting needs of others.
Justice instead of Fairness: Taking personal responsibility to fulfill and uphold what God says is true and right.
Meekness instead of Anger: Yield personal rights and expectations to have the freedom to lovingly serve others.
Sensitivity instead of Callousness: Using all my senses so that I can see the real attitudes and emotions that they have.
Giver/Provider: The provider is resourceful, prudent, thrifty, and constantly ensuring the best use of all available resources.
Cautiousness instead of Rashness: Knowing the importance of timing in accomplishing right actions.
Contentment instead of Covetousness: When we learn that happiness is not hindered by lack of wealth.
Gratefulness instead of Unthankfulness: Making sure people know by words and actions how they benefit your life.
Punctuality instead of Tardiness: Controlling my time so that I am ready to begin my tasks by the appointed time of my authorities.
Resourcefulness instead of Wastefulness: Finding uses for things others ignore or throw away.
Thriftiness instead of Extravagance: Not spending for things that are not necessary.
Tolerance instead of Prejudice: Being able to accept others in various degrees of character and maturity.